Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Je t'aime

Hi guys! So today, I got a henna that says "je t'aime" which is French for "I love you" ♥
Me and my friend, Trisia, got inked at Needle Juice, a tattoo and piercing salon located at the 2nd floor of  D'Students Place building along Taft, Vito Cruz. 

I was supposed to get a henna of "carpe diem" but I changed my mind on the last minute.
So here are some photos that I took :)

For those who are curious, my henna costed only Php 100 :)

This is my 3rd henna. My first two hennas were a Chinese version of my name on my leg and a huge butterfly on my nape and I both got them when I was a freshman in high school. 

To tell you the truth, I don't really like my henna. I guess after this one fades. I'll try another design again until I find something I really like, then I might get a tattoo of it.

Oh and by the way, this is Trisia's henna. "Let it be"
And I think I like her henna better than my own :( Hahaha.

'Til my next post.
Xoxo, Claire ♥

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